8 Mindset That Stops You From Accomplishing Your Goals

August 25, 2020


By Prajakta Gogate
Manifestation Coach

You must have experienced being stuck in life while working on your most profound goal or passion. We think we are stuck because of some outside situation, however we fail to realise that we are stuck with the mindset we have. This mindset does not allow us to see new actions which can actually unstuck us.

When you are chasing your goals, **the first and most significant obstacles to obliterate are your negative and limiting beliefs. **

If you are not in awareness, you would not even realise this. So being aware is the first and key step when you are on a way to self discovery.

If you could do so, you will understand your own patterns that are holding you back. Lets understand some of these patterns which comes in our way to live our dream life.

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I will do it later

This is one of the biggest excuse we use to just delay and procrastinate things. By keeping it for the future you only accumulate stuff in your mind and slow down your thinking and actions.

You will accomplish your goals only if you keep taking actions all the time. Without actions there will not be any result. So postponing things is equal to delaying your accomplishment.

I didn’t do it Because.....

We all have valid justified reason for everything we do and not do. If at all there is none we are all masters of creating one. You will have lack of time, money, understanding, support and many such things as a reason to not do something.

However, think about a situation when you are so determined for the end result, at that time let whatever come in our way, you will find a solution.

So whatever reason you are finding as valid, justified in other situations is actually your limiting belief.

Limiting beliefs are a major abundance block, and you should take care of it as soon as possible.

I'm Not Capable

Steve Jobs once said that one of his most life-changing revelations was that everything around him was created by people no smarter than he was.

Even though he was Steve Jobs, he would have struggled with insecurities and self-doubt like the rest of us. The difference is, he learned the skills necessary and persisted until he succeeded.

There is nothing in your human DNA that makes you less capable of acting in the same way. So success, after all, is YOUR conscious decision!

I want to…. but….

This is also one of the common midblock. We connect two different things and think they are interdependent by adding a but in between.

So to give you an example people say I want to attend this event but I don't have money, I want to loose weight but I don’t know how.

Here these two are independent conditions in your life. I am not saying that you are lying that you don’t have money however, If you remove BUT and replace it with AND, you will get a actionable access. So it will sound like, I want to attend this event and I don’t have enough money. Can you then find any solution to attend the event?

I can’t wait for long to see the results

How many of you are very impatient when it comes to seeing results in your life. If you don’t see instant results you loose your calm, motivation and stop taking action in that direction.

You need to understand that results will take its own time but being enjoying the process is equally important.

Learn to enjoy the experience of learning and growing while you're working towards your success, and you'll be much more likely to be satisfied by your end result.

I will have to be nice with everyone around me

Being nice is a trap! Many people are stuck in it. They feel if they stop being nice they will loose out on people around them, their image in the society etc.

However, by running behind such relationships and social images is not going to get you closer to your goals.

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It's Too Risky

We want results but we don’t want risk! You can’t go ahead without taking risk in life. Even crossing a road involves risk.

Think about, the more risk you take the chances of being successful increases. Higher the risk, higher will be your commitment and higher will be the probability of winning.

Once I Have X, I'll Be Happy

We often associate our goals with the core feeling of happiness. We have made it about happiness. However if you think about happiness, you can actually create it in this moment also. It doesn’t require that outcome.

However, when we turn it around and chase our goals from a place being happy, it becomes much easier to think clearly and hold our highest priorities in mind.

Being grateful for what you already have is really key to an abundance mindset.

Conclusion About Getting Out of Your Own Way

There are many tricks and hacks you can use mentally to shift your mindset to help you crush your goals. Hopefully, some of these mindset shifts have resonated with you and will help you in your quest for a purposeful, contributing life.


Prajakta Gogate
Manifestation Coach

Hey Hi, I’m Prajakta, manifestation coach. I help people realise their power to manifest whatever they want by going beyond their limiting beliefs. I do this via WhatsApp programs, one to one coaching, Facebook group. I’m on mission to transform at least 5000 lives in next one year by helping them build an Abundance Mindset!

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