Scripting, A powerful tool to manifest what you want in your life.

July 20, 2020


By Prajakta Gogate
Manifestation Coach


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Scripting is a special Law of Attraction technique also known as journaling.

It can create some mind-blowing results if you use it on a regular basis.

Simply put, scripting is a technique where you describe your life as if you already had what you wish to manifest.

Do you want a promotion or salary raise? Describe your new role in the organization when you are promoted.

Do you want to manifest 6 digit bank balance? Describe how it feels to be making six-figures. What are you doing with all that money?

Do you want to manifest your life partner? Describe how life with her/him looks like. Write down how your honeymoon was.

All you need to start scripting is a notebook, your favorite pen (it’s all about feeling good here), and your most colorful imagination.


Here are 5 tips to help you make the most out of your scripting journey.

#1 Start by being grateful

Being grateful allows you to center yourself and feel positive about this moment.

When it comes to creating a powerful vision of your dream life, always start by showing gratitude for the things and events that have already manifest in your life. This will only make you realize how abundant your life already is and make your intentions stronger as they will come from a place of gratitude, abundance, love, and joy.

#2 Use the Present Tense

This part is very important. When you are scripting, write everything as if you already have it.

For example if you want to manifest your life partner you could write: I woke to my love of life, it's such an amazing feeling to have someone next to you when you wake up, I thoroughly enjoy our morning talks before we get into our own routine. I am so happy that I can smile ear to ear as I write this.

When scripting, imagine yourself in the future and describe how future-you feels at that moment.

To do so correctly, use the present tense as much as possible.

#3 Be as Precise as you can

The goal of scripting is to bring clarity in what you want to manifest in your life. Write everything with all the details possible so as to make your manifestation powerful.

This is really an exercise in imagination. Try to really dig deep and describe all the things.

What are you wearing? What are you doing that day? What emotions are you feeling? Where are you and who are you with?

Write down as much detail as you possibly can. Really bring your vision to life. Do not hesitate to go all in.

#4 Involve emotions

When scripting, don't forget to feel amazing.

Emotions are a big part of the Law of Attraction.

While scripting you must manage to also imagine yourself in the vision that you are creating and feel the emotions you are describing.

You must be turned on about what you are scripting. By involving your emotions, you are also starting to vibrate at a higher frequency which will only make your manifestation that more powerful.

#5 Focus On What You Want Rather than on What You Do Not Want

When working with the Law of Attraction it is of crucial importance to focus on what you want rather than what you do not want.

In this attraction-based universe, if you give thought to something you will attract more of that whether you want it or not.

For example :

  • “I don’t want to be in debt anymore” You are giving thought to being in debt, therefore you will attract more debt
  • “I really wish I wasn’t out of shape like this” You are focusing on being out of shape and you will attract more of that into your life.

If you are focusing on what you don’t have or don’t want, you will send out a message of lack to the Universe and you will attract more lack into your life.

Use this powerful tool on a daily basis to manifest what you really want in your life, dream job, soul mate, dream house, dream vacation.

4 Scripting Examples for you to get started

You now know all the rules for the scripting to be most effective. Here are 4 different exercises which will get you started!

You can use then as per your wish all at a time or one by one. Its completely your choice.

The most important thing while scripting is you should feel good about what you are writing, it can not be a mechanical process. It should express what you really want to manifest.

You don’t have to limit yourself in any ways.

You can do scripting in a nice journal or a diary, use green pen is possible as green symbolizes Abundance and let your imagination run wild!

Remember that your thoughts turn into things. That’s just how the Law of Attraction works.

So, make the most out of these exercises and watch your desires turn into reality.

Let’s get started!


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Start your morning with scripting as its best time to imagine what you want in the day and pen it down. Your mind is fresh in this time.

Also, when you do any activity which will boost you, first thing in the morning, its powerful way to start your day.

Visualize and write down how you want this day to be, what would you accomplish, how would you feel end of the day, what you are grateful for?

Describe it all.

It only takes 5 to10 minutes to set your intention for the day and you’ll see the power of the law of attraction, how your day unfold as exactly you have scripted in the morning.


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If you feel you can’t do scripting on daily basis, you can also do it on weekly, monthly or yearly basis.

Scripting your Ideal Week: So before you begin the week, take an overview of what all you want in this week to happen and describe that and make it happen.

Same process you can follow for month and year. The only difference is, you will be writing things broadly.

Scripting your ideal week, month and year are ideal ways of harnessing the power of the Law of Attraction to manifest your dream life one week, one month or one year at a time.


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Studies have shown that the average person spends 1/3 of the life in office.

Don’t you think, it’s a big chunk and it has to be made awesome.

If you are stressed while going to your office. If you feel like people don’t value you at your work place. If you constantly anticipate how things will turn out around you and wish that nothing wrong should happen, then this exercise is for you.

Take a moment to imagine what your career look like. Will you be working for someone or will people work for you? What filed you will be working in?

Would you like to manage people and be a leader or you would want to just follow the instructions given?

How many people work in your office? Is it a big organization or a small?

How big is your office premise? How do you dress up in your office?

How are you feeling?

Once you are clear in your head then its time to script it out. Write down everything with all the possible details and feelings.

Scripting a normal day at your dream job and feeling excited while doing so is a powerful way of raising your vibration and sending the Universe a clear signal that this is what you want.


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For most of us having a partner whom we can be most comfortable with is important life goal..

If you are looking to manifest your life partner or enhance the quality of relationship you already have, this exercise is for you.

Take a moment to imagine what you are looking for in a companion and/or a relationship.

What does your companion look like? What are her/his strengths? How does she/he make you feel? How does she/he act? Where have you met? Describe a normal day with them.

What does your ideal relationship look like? How does it make you feel? What are the core values of your relationship? Where does it take place? How long does it last?

Using scripting is one of the best ways to send your intention to the universe about what type of partner or relationship you want.

If you focus on feeling grateful for the love that you already have all while feeling the love, joy, excitement that comes from the vision your ideal partner or relationship you will attract more of those feelings. Scripting will really help you get clear on your intention and you will manifest in no time.


Prajakta Gogate
Manifestation Coach

Hey Hi, I’m Prajakta, manifestation coach. I help people realise their power to manifest whatever they want by going beyond their limiting beliefs. I do this via WhatsApp programs, one to one coaching, Facebook group. I’m on mission to transform at least 5000 lives in next one year by helping them build an Abundance Mindset!

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